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The main goal of Paddles By The Sea is to share kayaking and paddle boarding with anyone that we can. We want your experience to be so amazing that kayaking/paddle boarding is your new favorite outdoor activity. Sounds simple, but it takes a lot of thought and planning. One small missed detail can result in a less than amazing experience on the water. We can’t have that. Today we’re going to talk about one detail that’s bothered me since we opened our location at Riverside Cafe.
Paddles By The Sea Dock at Riverside Cafe
First, I should mention, this location is ridiculously cool. I picked our River location based on a few requirements.
1) Had to have destinations to paddle to, needed to have places to explore.
2) Had to be our launch side, not a park. Not a fan of dropping off equipment and hoping our guests have fun.
3)Protected from the wind
4)Wildlife nearby
Our location at the Riverside Cafe has all of them! Plus, one I didn’t think about at first. The Cafe! It’s so cool to be able to go get lunch or a beer, or both after a paddle adventure. That part is worth it by itself.
Getting back to why we’re here; getting out of, or into a kayak from a floating dock. Not as easy as you might think. That ledge off the side of the dock, while not large, is enough to be difficult. You must lift yourself from a moving object. Usually ran into trouble getting people out. After a long paddle in the Florida sun, you’re hot, you’re tired, and now you must lift yourself from a floating kayak to a floating dock. Not so cool.
From experience, I’ve found rolling out to be the easiest way to go. It’s a little embracing and never graceful, but it was the most successful and easiest way to go. That was until one day an EZDock kayak launch ad popped up on my Facebook feed. Oh Boy! That’s exactly what I needed! Here’s a link to the EZDock website.
Tandem Kayak on Kayak Launch
Gave the Florida EZDock rep a call, and they had one in stock! Couldn’t give them money fast enough. Normally I wouldn’t make a purchase like this without seeing it and trying it out. Felt no need with this, though. This dock extension was made for kayaks and made for my dock. I had to have it.
Here’s how it works.
Step 1) Set kayak in EZDock kayak launch.
Step 2) Help guests into the kayak.
Step 3) Make sure guest is comfortable in seat/backrest, and they have a lifejacket.
Step 4) Make sure they know the best route for the day’s conditions.
Step 5) Show them how to slide themselves and the kayak into the water.
Step 6) Make sure they know to look for dolphins.
From this kayak dock, you slide directly into the Indian River Lagoon without having to get wet or step off the side of the dock. Kayaking made easy. My favorite part is when guests come back from a kayak adventure, they don’t have to worry about lifting themselves out of the kayak. They slide back into the kayak dock, then stand up and walk out of the kayak, and to the Riverside Cafe for lunch.
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